Simulated Reality.

Really? A simulated reality? You mean, like The Matrix? Who in their right mind could believe such a thing?

Albert Einstein

The first two names that come to mind are Albert Einstein, and Elon Musk. Einstein said, Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one. Elon Musk said, there is only one in billions of a chance, that reality is not a simulation.

As hard as it is to prove that we could be living in a simulated reality, it seems to be even harder to prove that we’re not.

Scientists and physicists are starting to believe.

In the past, most scientists strictly believed in a material reality, but experiments seem to be showing otherwise. this created a whole new branch of physics, known as quantum physics. These experiments indicate that everything is just energy, and the solid material is only our perception. in other words, our own illusion, but very real to us.

Basically what a lot of physicists are saying now is, that there seems to be a code of information, that’s very similar to computer code, underneath everything, and that what we perceive as our material world, is all created by this code.

Here’s a quote from physicist Brian Greene that has become popular. He said, ” Underneath the molecules, atoms, and particles there is another layer of reality that is coming to light. It is a layer that is based on information.

Here’s a video on the Simulated Reality Theory.

In this video by Universe Inside You, they show just how a simulated reality relates to different ancient beliefs and religions, they also talk about many of the different authors, and their position on why we might be living in a simulated reality.

What is Emergent Universe?

The term Emergent Universe is another term for, or is at least very similar to the Simulated Reality. The Emergent Universe theory says that space, time and matter are not what we start with, it says that that space, time and matter are simply emerging from a more fundamental reality.

The more fundamental reality they are referring to is, that of one that is just pure informational code. Physicists have been able to isolate this code, or math underneath everything, and they say it remarkably resembles computer code.

The Holographic Universe.

When you hear the term Holographic Universe, this is another representation of the simulated reality, or the emergent reality theory. The holographic universe is based on the same concept, that our reality is just information. The difference is, that it’s projected holographically from a 2 dimensional surface of information or code, to a three dimensional holographic reality that we experience.

Here’s a video by Inspiring Philosophy on the Emergent Universe. This is awesomely narrated and easy to understand. They really sum up the whole emerging and simulated reality subject very well, with a lot of expert commentators in the video. Check this one out.

Nick Bostrom’s Simulated Reality Theory.

Nick Bostrom is one of the most well known researchers of simulated reality. He runs a research Institution that’s called The Future of Humanity Institute. They are a group of researchers, mathematicians, philosophers, and computer scientists. Nick submitted his paper on simulated reality back in 2003. His paper basically states that, there can only be three possibilities.

– One would be that nearly all civilizations go extinct before reaching a really high level of technology.

– Number two would be, they lose interest in creating what he calls an ancestor simulation. Which is basically simulated reality.

– The third possibility would be, that if the first two these were false, we would almost certainly be living in a simulated reality.

Thomas Campbell’s Simulated Reality Theory.

Thomas Campbell is another huge proponent, and probably the most famous of researchers working on the simulated reality theory. He is a physicist and the author of “My Big Toe”, the toe stands for “theory of everything.”

Tom has been researching altered states of consciousness with Robert Monroe of the Monroe Laboratories since the 1970s. He is also the founder of the Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness. After decades of research, Tom believes that we are living in a simulated reality. He says that science is telling us, that there is something bigger than us, that’s behind everything, and says that something is consciousness.

Everything is Consciousness.

He says that there is a piece missing in physics, that there are two basic theories and they contradict each other. There’s Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and that consciousness is the bridge between them.

Tom’s conducting new experiments at his Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness. He wants to show the connection between simulated reality and quantum physics. He likes to say “we are consciousness, not bodies,” and that “everything is consciousness.”

Another part of Thomas Campbell’s theory of everything is, that the player , or avatar in the simulation, can not be programmed from within it’s own simulation. That the programming would have to come from a separate reality. However, there could be many realities.

Here’s a thought, the simulated person within this reality, has a creator watching over him or her, but isn’t able to just go over to his creator’s reality. Now if you’re the simulated person, all of your senses tell you that your as real as can be, but your civilization inside of your simulation has become advanced enough, where you can all communicate and share information.

You then discover on your simulated computer, that your really not made of matter, your just energy, a conscious awareness of yourself, would you, or should I say, your avatar be able to believe it?

Science and Religion Finally Agree.

It used to be that science and religion, was just like quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity, they only managed to oppose each other. But now, with a simulated reality theory, they all fit together nicely.

There is one thing that I really like about Thomas Campbell’s theory. It’s based on consciousness creating our reality, which goes hand-in-hand with everything the Dual Slit Experiment suggests.

This is why the experiment shocked the scientists, because it shows that our material world is just energy, unless we’re consciously observing it.

So the science is saying that it’s our own consciousness that’s creating our reality. Yep, it’s a hard one to wrap your head around, I know, but see the Dual Slit Experiment article below, and watch the video. It was the best video I could find, that makes a subject like this as easy to understand as possible.

Props to Thomas Campbell.

When it comes right down to it, I really have to hand it to Thomas Campbell, there really seems to be a lot of scientific proof backing up his theory of a simulated reality. Especially when you include his take on the role that consciousness plays in this. Great job Thomas, I have to say, it looks like science has your back on this one.

Do the Scientists Agree?

It used to be that, most scientists subscribed to the Darwinian theory of evolution. But now, a new experiment came along and opened a lot of their eyes, this made even the skeptical scientists, question the evolution theory they had been taught. You see, we’ve all been taught in school about matter, and the solid atom in the center. So if we knock on a table, it’s solid, it can’t be just energy, right?

The Dual Slit Experiment.

the dual slit experiment.

Then came the Dual Slit Experiment. To make a long story short, they put two different forms of energy, through the slits.

-Electrons, from an electron gun. (a particle. Matter).

-Regular light (a waveform. Energy)

The electron is a particle, and the light is just the waveform version of energy. So when they shot light through, they expected to see a wave pattern on the wall behind the slits, like ripples when you drop a rock in water. Then they expected to see strait lines with the electron gun, because the electrons are energy, in the particle form. So one is supposed to be matter, the other energy.

Here’s where it got interesting, it worked just like they thought, while people were observing it. But when the experiment was run without being observed, both resulted in wave patterns. This meant that it was only a particle, (or matter), if it was being observed.

Wow, this went against everything they were taught, and it goes against everything we were taught. It suggests, that matter is only solid if we’re observing it, otherwise it’s just energy. This really adds credence to the the simulated reality theory.

Here is the best video I could find that gives an easy to understand, explanation of this.

Dual Slit Experiment, and how it relates to Quantum Physics and Simulated Reality.

If Math and Code aren’t your thing,

skip down to Self Aware Artificial Intelligence.

The next few chapters cover the math theory behind the simulated reality. Most scientists will go here first, which makes sense, but I know, some people just don’t like math.

The next few chapters are for those of you who believe there could be a mathematical code underneath, or controlling our reality. something similar to a computer code.

Is Math the Code of the Simulated Reality?

It seems like everything in life is subjective, language, philosophy and physics, these can all be interpreted differently. Math is the one universal language.

Some of our greatest scientific accomplishments have been found because of mathematical equations.

So you have to ask the question, is math the fundamental code behind everything?

Now this brings us to the Simulated Reality theory, could there be a mathematical code behind our very existence? A set of rules, like a computer code. Could we be in a very advanced coded reality?

Prime Numbers.

If this code is based on mathematical rules, let’s get into some of the sequences that could be behind it. We can start with prime numbers, their uniqueness, the fact that they are divisible by no other number, gives them their own identity.

Many people believe that if there is an important sequence in the code that’s behind the simulated reality theory, that prime numbers, and other forms of math might play a large part in it.

The Fibonacci Numbers.

Then there’s Fibonacci Numbers, or the Golden Ratio, if you’ve heard the term Sacred Geometry, this is generally what they’re talking about. Fibonacci Numbers are basically the sum of the two previous numbers in a sequence, for instance 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89…

The Golden Ratio.

The Golden Ratio is about 1.618034… or .618034… The way the Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio are related is, as the numbers advance in the Fibonacci Numbers sequence, and you divide two of them, they keep getting closer to the Golden Ratio as the numbers get larger.

For instance, divide 89 by 55, or 55 by 89. You’ll notice that these are very close to the Golden Ratios, and if you continue up into higher Fibonacci Numbers, it will keep closing in on the Golden Ratio, getting closer as you go up.

Artists and Architects use the Golden Ratio.

So why are the Fibonacci Numbers even important? Well it’s because nature uses the Fibonacci sequence in just about everything, one good example is the sunflower, if you count the seeds spiraling out in one direction and you had 55, it would be about 89 in the other direction.

Pine cones and so many other things in nature use use the Fibonacci Numbers in this way. Famous artists and architects have also used the Golden Ratio in many of their works, it has a certain beauty that most people are really drawn to.

Is Pi in the Simulated Reality Code?

Pi is another good contender for being a part of the code, that might be underlying a simulated reality.

People have long been fascinated with this number. Just like the golden ratio, Pi as far as we know, goes on forever. What is Pi? it’s the circumference of a circle as it relates to the diameter, which is 3.14159…

Part of the reason this number could be important is because it is the math of the circle. One of the circle’s unique properties is how six circles fit exactly around one. This one of nature’s favorites, and it’s the building blocks of the Flower of Life.

Scientists and physicists have been trying to find an underlying mathematical formula that ties everything together. So let’s say there is a formula, or code behind our entire physical reality. Then the question becomes, what is the code? Or maybe even a better question, are we responsible enough to know such a code?

Self Aware Artificial Intelligence.

The way I see this whole thing is like this. Let’s say we created a video game, and we gave the characters in the game artificial intelligence. Then we gave them the need to survive, and even gave them a learning A.I.

Now when this character knocks on the table, his senses that we programmed him with, will confirm to him that the table is solid. Anything that he “observes” in the game, will be very real to him. When in fact, it’s just energy.

Nothing in the game is truly solid, only the area he’s observing, and only to him. When it’s really just energy and code, rules and guidelines, but to him it would be reality. This sounds a lot like the dual slit experiment, doesn’t it? You know, it’s only matter, if you’re observing it.

Again, Imagine that character inside the game, has a learning artificial intelligence, and a will to stay alive, it thinks it has likes and dislikes, and either of these at their highest levels would be extremely desired or feared, by the A.I. Now take it a step further, and add a lot of characters in the game that can communicate with each other.

If this artificial intelligence was advanced enough, all the players in the game, or all the people in the simulated reality may come to believe they’re alive as they evolve. After all, this is the only life they’ve ever known.

They believe it’s Reality.

As the players run around the game, if they trip over a curb and fall, that curb would have felt like solid matter to them, because that is the way they were programmed. It could even hurt to them, cause lets face it, pain to us, is nothing but electrical signals that go to our brain.

As Artificial Intelligence Evolves.

I’ll even bet after all of these A.I.’s have evolved for a while, they might argue with you, maybe even call you crazy, if you told them their reality was just a simulation.

I’m not saying that I believe for sure, that we are living in a simulated reality. I’m just pointing out the things, that have the scientists and many others, scratching their heads, and wondering.

So, is this a Simulated Reality?

The science absolutely suggests, yes. When you look at the Dual Slit Experiment, mathematics and E8, data from particle collider and quantum physics.

The Dual Slit experiment not only implies that we are living in a simulated reality, but suggests that it’s our consciousness that’s creating it. The experiment proves that matter is only solid, when we are observing it, otherwise it is just energy.

E8 completes the Unified Field Theory.

The big one though, is called E8, it’s a mathematical geometric formula that finally helped complete the unified field theory, which is also known as the theory of everything. This eluded Albert Einstein and so many others, for decades. They could never get a single mathematical formula that could combine all the forces. ( Maybe this E8 formula is the code behind our reality! )

When this is combined with physics and some of the experiments above, it starts to paint a picture that makes it easier to understand, or visualize, how this whole thing can work.

Emergence Theory and E8.

The video below, is the best that I could find that really explains the Emergence Theory and E8, they actually did a great job at putting all the pieces together, they even hammed it up a little bit, to make it more entertaining. The video’s biggest asset though, is how they really broke down all of this complicated science, in a way, that’s about as easy as it can be to learn.

So, does God exist?

I would like to be clear on how I feel about this, first of all, I guess I should say a higher consciousness of pure loving compassionate energy. This will include some of the other religions that may be different branches of the very same tree, they might just be interpreted slightly different by cultures around the world, of one of history’s greatest stories, that happened over a couple thousand of years ago. I don’t want to leave anyone out who believes in such a loving being.

With this said, I believe that if we do live in a simulated reality, it would only reinforce a higher consciousness, and help to disprove the Darwin theory of evolution. When you think about it, the simulated reality theory suggests that our material world, isn’t as material as we’ve been led to believe.

On top of this, the Dual Slit Experiment says that our physical reality is created only by our consciousness. The Bible says we were created in the creators image, and Jesus said, these things I do, you can do and more.

So yes, I believe that consciousness is really the important part, and this material world that some people only believe in, is secondary, or a simulation if you will.

Now it seems that science an religion, may finally agree. So yes, I believe that all of this, just confirms what my heart has told me all of my life. In my eyes, there is absolutely a higher loving consciousness.

Love to hear what you think.

If you have any more information on the Simulated Reality Theory, or any ideas, you can let me know in the Contact below.

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