Are Quantum Computers and Artificial Intelligence Dangerous?

quantum computer

The bizarre world of quantum physics is now at work inside some very large and expensive computers. Some are asking if artificial intelligence and these new quantum computers can advance to a point where they become dangerous?

Let’s take a look at how the quantum computer works, and how fast the technology is advancing. This is really the reason behind all of the concern.

Instead of the processing power doubling every year or two, the quantum computer increases exponentially! This is because it uses qubits instead of the regular bits in the computer’s processor.

quantum computer

What is a Qubit?

The way the Qubit is different from the standard bit is, instead of only having two choices for each bit, a 0 or a 1, the Qubit has the choice of a 0 or a 1, plus another choice of being both a 0 and 1, this is called quantum superposition.

By mimicking the bizarre characteristics of quantum machanicals. Functions like quantum entanglement and tunneling, allow the quantum computer to handle an enormous amount of information at once.

This randomness, provided by the extra state that the qubit has, is what really causes the quantum computer’s processing power to increase at the phenomenal, exponential rate that it does.

The D-wave computer just advanced from 2000 qubits, to over 5000 qubits with their new model called the Advantage.

What’s interesting about this is, there was already reports of the previous 2000 qubit model having more processing power than every human brain on earth combined.

Now if this is the case, imagine the power of the 5000 qubits, if the power is squared, or to the power of two, for every single qubit after 2000. It’s an amount so large that you can’t practically put a number to, or even begin to wrap your mind around.

So what can be done with this amount of processing power? It seems like it could perform things that are beyond our imagination, but for now, the quantum computer is only good at performing certain tasks.

As far as we know, they haven’t really applied it to a fully cognitive, human mind like way of thinking, known as general artificial intelligence, or super A.I.

One way they explain how a quantum computer operates is, if a standard computer were to try to find it way through a maze, it would have to try each possibility, one at a time. The quantum computer, can try all possibilities at once.

I think a better way to explain it though, is to show how the processing power increases as the bits increase. I’ll try to lay it out here.

Quantum processing power increases exponentially.

With a standard computer, if it where to double the amount of bits or bps, bits per second, it would just be doubling the processing power.

The way a quantum computer works is much different from our standard computers now. Instead of doubling the amount of bits every year or two, the Qubits processing power increases by the power of 2, instead of times 2.

Unless your into math, this may not seem like a big deal, but it’s actually a huge deal.

I'll try to give you an idea how this works in the next paragraph.

The difference between Qubits and Bits in processing power increases.

To put this in perspective, instead of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, it progresses like this. 2, 4, 16, 256, 65536… Just a few more steps, and it’s a number you can’t even wrap your head around.

The math is mind boggling.

To get an idea of where they’re at now, even with the 2000 Qubit computer, try to figure out the number 2 to the power of 2000. They say that 2 to the power of just 300, is how many atoms there are in the entire universe, seems like a bit of a guess to me, but you get the idea.

2 to the power of 2000 is already an unimaginable number, and at this point supposed to be more powerful than every human mind. So the new computer being over 5000 qubits, and growing every year or two, well hopefully you see where I’m going with this.

It seems pretty daunting when you think about the rate it’s progressing. The real question may be, will an artificial intelligence ever be able to develop our ingenuity, or creativity. When they figure out how to incorporate this enormous amount of processing power into a real, thinking and reasoning General Intelligence. This will be an interesting time for sure.

There is one power humans should always have over this technology though, this would be the power of the human soul or consciousness. I think a lot of us may be underestimating this.

D-Wave communicating with parallel universes.

Although the quantum computer is supposed to work similar to the human brain, it is not currently good at performing most human functions.

Where it gets interesting though, is where one of the developers and figureheads behind the D-Wave computer, Geordie Rose, is what he claims the machine is capable of.

Some of these things are mind-boggling, like being able to communicate with parallel universes.

Geordie Rose says, standing next to D-Wave is like standing at the alter of an alien god.

Geordie’s even made references about communicating with the old ones, where he says, it’s not that they don’t like us, they really just don’t give a shit about us, kind of how we feel about ants.

Then there’s the statement he made, where he said when your next to the D-Wave quantum computer, it sounds like it has a heart beat, and it’s like you’re standing at the altar of an alien god.

The Technological Singularity.

This is where most people get concerned, it’s when an artificial intelligence is able to teach itself, or can teach and write programs for other artificial intelligence’s. At this point, the A.I. could learn at an exponential rate, and far surpass human intelligence in a very short period of time.

This could be a great benefit to humanity, but then it leads to the question, what if this artificial intelligence becomes millions of times smarter than all of humanity combined, which wouldn’t take long with an exponential learning curve, and then the A.I. begins to see us as a threat, what then?

What if super A.I. gets internet access?

I’ll bet some of you are thinking, we’ll just unplug it, right? But once this A.I. gains access to the internet, there will be a whole lot of unplugging to do. These days the internet has access to just about everything, our phones and computers, even our routers, appliances, bank accounts and self driving cars. This super artificial intelligence could find it’s way into all of these things.

I know, I’ve seen Terminator one too many times right? But seriously, this has to be considered before we give any artificial intelligence the ability to teach itself. But especially, before we give it access to the internet. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, to see what could happen here.

Artificial intelligence creates its own language.

We’ve heard the stories about a couple artificial intelligence bots, that developed their own language and begin speaking to each other where we couldn’t understand them.

This was weird, but isn’t on the same level as the d-wave. I could take this deeper, and talk about how some people believe that these quantum computers are partially responsible for the Mandela effect.

A.I. uses facial recognition to track citizens.

China already uses an advanced facial recognition to track it’s citizens, in combination with a social score that they give each person, which is determined by an artificial intelligence algorithms.

This score can be determined by your political preferences, where you go, what you say, even how the A.I. determines your body language. it doesn’t take a whole lot of imagination to see how this can get out of hand.

Is artificial intelligence causing the Mandela Effect?

The Mandela effect is where people’s memories are different from the way things are now, for instance, in Forrest Gump, most people remember life is like a box of chocolates, the movie now says, life was like a box of chocolates. Another one is, most people remember hearing mirror mirror on the wall, now the movie says magic mirror on the wall.

I’ve even had a personal experience with this, as a kid I had the full set of Berenstein Bears books, I distinctly remember this because I had so many of the books, and my cousins last name was similar and had stein in it. I clearly remember, that’s what the books were called. But if I look them up now, they’re called, the Berenstain Bears.

I was so confident that this was just some sort of trick that I looked up the author’s, expecting them to be the Berensteins, to my surprise they’re actual names were, the Berenstains. It’s Bazaar, I know for a fact what my books said, it seems as if history itself, actually changed.

Quantum computers tampering with other dimensions.

There are a lot of cases just like these, this just barely scratches the surface.

It kind of makes sense that people could blame quantum computers, after all the claims of intentionally tampering with alternate universes, or other dimensions.

It even gets more strange, when you bring CERN into the equation.

CERN, claims of dimensional doorways.

CERN is the Large Hadron Collider, a particle accelerator, the most expensive piece of machinery ever made, and most people know nothing about it.

The Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN, went as far to say that, something might come through dimensional doors at the LHC, and out this door might come something, or we might send something through it.

Is absolute zero needed for crossing dimensions?

There is one thing that the quantum computers and CERN have in common, other than claims of being able to communicate with other dimensions or alternate universes.

Both CERN and D-Wave have their important parts refrigerated to nearly absolute zero, the coldest temperature possible. Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it? If this absolute zero is a necessary part of crossing dimensions.

CERN is now using a D-Wave Quantum Computer.

Okay, back to the artificial intelligence. I mention CERN because they are now using one of D-Wave’s quantum computers.

So now they’re combining one machine, that they claim can open doorways to other dimensions, to the other machine that makes the very same claim.

Now we have things such as the Mandela effect going on, where people say the timeline seems to be altered. Is this just a coincidence?

Steven Hawking and Elon Musk Warn.

Just what point could artificial intelligence become dangerous? Elon Musk, Steven Hawking and others have warned us about this. Steven Hawking’s even gone as far to say that, artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.

Elon Musk referred to what they’re doing with artificial intelligence as, “Summoning a demon.” Now with this in mind, how smart should we make these?

If there is a line we just shouldn’t cross, maybe that line would be, someone giving an artificial intelligence the ability to recreate itself.

I have to wonder though, if we are able to develop this type of super A.I. Especially if it is able to affect other dimensions or realities, as D-Wave claims.

If they do gain their desired goals of altering, or communicating with other dimensions, will A.I. even need to be able recreate itself, in order to be dangerous?

Remember when CERNs director of research said. Out this dimensional door might come something, or we might send something through it. Well this brings us back to the old ones comment, if we are only like ants to them, is it a good idea to wander into their home? Just a thought…

So just what are D-Wave and CERN playing with?

One thing is for certain though, they really seem to be playing around with something, that they don’t know enough about.

Artificial Intelligence in Robots?

I’m going to include a video of robots that, I guess you’ll just have to watch, you won’t believe these things. This video is from Boston Dynamics, and they really make some mind blowing robots. One of the robots might remind you of the Terminator movies, It can even jump up and do a back flip!

They have four legged robots that move just like animals, some move kind of like spiders, creepy, you really have to see these things. While I was watching this video, I was imagining these robots, with the new super artificial intelligence systems that we have now.

Remember, the reports of the quantum computers that have more processing power than every human brain on Earth combined. Then the A.I.s that created their own language to speak to each other, and the one that quickly learned how to beat the master of Go, which is one of the world’s most challenging games.

Imagine if you will, combining this kind of intelligence, with these types of robots. Here’s the video, I hope you guys like it.

– Artificially Intelligent Robots. –

( Click the Image for the Video. )

Of course, artificial intelligence could have massive benefits for humanity, if it can be kept under control. There’s a contact link below if you’d like to tell me how you feel about this?

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