Fallen Angels and Giants.

Fallen Angels

If you read the ancient texts, the one thing that you'll find that they all have in common is, they all make mention of the Giants, and most talk about the fallen angels, or the Nephilim.

The Bible in Genesis 6:4 says: ” There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Ancient Texts.

All of the ancient texts, talk about about the ones that came down from the sky, taught them all kinds of modern skills, took their women for wives, and their offspring being the vicious giants. There are other ancient texts that go into more detail, such as the book of Enoch, Jasher, and the Book of Giants, but were removed or not allowed in the bible.

When it comes to the topics of the nephilim and the giants, you’ll really find the people are really divided up into two camps.

Zecharia Sitchin and the Sumerian Tablets.

One camp will tell you that they are aliens, this is due, in part to Zecharia Sitchin, he’s the man who interpreted the Sumerian tablets.

When the tablets said they came down from the sky, Zecharia figured them to be aliens, not fallen angels. He then wrote a book about it called the 12th planet. So this has become one of the popular beliefs.

So, fallen angels or aliens?

The other camp believes in more of the biblical version, that they were fallen angels, not aliens.

After researching the dead Sea Scrolls, the Sumerian Tablets, the Book of Enoch, the Bible and other ancient texts. I have to say, the fallen angels version makes a lot more sense.

They are just two different interpretations of the same story though. All of the ancient texts, including the Bible, say basically the same thing.

All the ancient texts tell the same story.

They all talk about the flood, the giants, and the ones that came down from the sky. The amazing thing is, they were all written in different parts of the world.

I have to admit, there may be some bias on my opinion though, that nudges me into the fallen angel camp. I do believe in God, or let’s say, a higher power, a pure loving consciousness would be my best description.

But really, given all the information, when you put all the pieces together, the stories of all the ancient texts just fit together better, and paint a clearer picture, from the fallen angel perspective.

Books left out of the Bible.

Now for the big question. The book of Enoch, Jasher and the book of giants. Why were these books intentionally left out of the Bible?

Are the Giants a forbidden topic?

There are some subjects, like giants, they seem to do their best to hide, I know, they gave us a story about Goliath. But you really have to understand how much they took out. It's like the giants are a forbidden subject.

Just a few of the books that were removed or left out of the Bible are, the book of Enoch, the Book of Giants, and the Book of Jasher, but there are more.

The Book of Enoch.

Taking out the book of Enoch is surprising, because Enoch was the great grandfather of Noah, and he was the only man, who was supposed to have walked with god. Who better to tell the story?

Imagine for a minute, if they were to teach our true history, our kids would probably want to learn about it.

I mean, come on, giants, fallen angels, and all of the genetically manipulated, half man, half beast, freaks of nature, that we see in all the ancient stone carvings.

Harry Potter's got nothing that beats that.

Fallen Angels took the earthly women as wives.

So anyway, the story goes something like this, Whether it's fallen angels or aliens. These great beings came down, and found the Earthly women to be fair, or beautiful, and took them as wives.
According to the Bible, these were the Fallen Angels.

Their offspring were giants.

Their offspring, were know as the mighty men of renown. The ancient texts and pictures carved in stone, describe them as giants. The texts say that they had their way, with every man woman and animal they came in contact with.

The fallen angels corrupted God’s creation.

This corrupted the genome, and created genetically mutated combinations of man and animals. They were extremely vicious and evil.

The true history explains a lot, remember when I said, the stories just make more sense in the fallen angel version. Well, here is just one of the many examples.

As a kid, there were parts of the Bible, that as a child didn’t seem right to me, like the story of Joshua and Caleb. You’ll even find this story throughout other ancient texts.

Now, this part of the Bible, makes more sense.

I couldn’t understand why God would send Joshua and Caleb into what Moses called the promised land or the land of milk and honey, to kill every man woman and child. This didn’t feel right to me as a child.

Here’s the story, again slightly different wording depending on which of the texts, but still the same story.

God sent Joshua and Caleb plus 10 others, into the village to defeat all of them. When they saw the size of the people there, 10 of them were afraid, and had no faith, but Joshua and Caleb listened to God when he said to have faith in him.

Joshua and Caleb defeat the giants.

They called them extremely large, giants, or they said, we are as of crickets to them. Everyone else thought they had no chance, but Joshua and Caleb were able to defeat the entire village by themselves.

I had a problem with this when I was young, but now, after reading through a variety of our worlds ancient writings, and understanding how the gene pool was corrupted, and just how brutal these giants were, It now makes sense.

What a great story about having faith, different stories of would tell how one of these giants, could easily wipe out groups of people. Yet, Joshua and Caleb, were scared at first, but had faith, and defeated an entire village of brutal giants.

Archaeologists find bones of giants.

There have been so many claims from archaeologists, and even old news articles with pictures, Where they found the bones of giants, the skeletons would generally range from 9 to 36 feet. There are some claims that the earliest giants were ridiculously huge, up to 400 feet. They all would have six fingers and dual rows of teeth.

The Smithsonian takes the bones?

The one common denominator in these claims by the archaeologists, is that the Smithsonian always shows up to claim the bones, and they're never to be seen again.

Why keep the giants a secret?

Why they would want to keep this part of our history secret from us, is hard to understand. But it seems to be happening. Is it just because it doesn’t go along with their Darwinian theory of evolution that we were all taught in school?

The story of giants, leads to fallen angels and the Bible, and not us evolving from apes. Is this why? If you have any ideas on this, please share, this one’s always been a mystery to me.

Was Thoth a Fallen Angel?

The reason I question if Thoth was a fallen angel or not, is because in many aspects there are similarities, but in other ways he seems to be very different. First we’ll start with the legend of Thoth that we find carved in stone all around Egypt. Then we’ll talk about his story as it’s laid out in the Emerald Tablets.

Thoth is known as the Egytpian god of writing, wisdom, magic and the moon. The time line of Thoth’s rule, varies depending on the source, one of the common beliefs is that he was worshipped in Egypt between 6000 bc, up to the time just before Christ. But other accounts have Thoth going way back to a time of rule spanning from 52,000bc -36,000bc.

This is where the question if the time line is right for him being a fallen angel comes, the legends of the fallen angels have them here before the flood which would fit in nicely with the 6000bc – 30bc reports.

On one hand, Thoth may fit the fallen angel narrative, in that his form is half animal half human, and it is said that the fallen angels were able to take on any form they desired. On the other hand, there is the uncertainty of the timeline, and the older, longer time line would not fit in with the ancient text’s account of the fallen angels.

The Emerald Tablets of Troth. – The amazing materials and detail that went into these Emerald Tablets, must be a sign of the amount of importance they felt was in the message. If you read all of the tablets, you might feel the message is all about good against evil, and makes mention of the dark ones running the world, and not to be a part of it.

This seems to set Troth apart from the fallen angels, in that his message seems to be good. Although there are things associated with Troth, that made me wonder at first. You’ll find things like Troth Tarot Cards, and to make matters worse, Aleister Mcrowley Troth Tarot Cards. Aleister Mcrowley was considered to be one of more famous satanist’s during his lifetime.

For the most part Troths message in the Emerald Tablets, to me resonated as good, and I am a firm believer in God or a higher loving consciousness. With that said, Troth did try to show us the power of human consciousness, which got the lable of magic, and earned him the title the god of magic, along with wisdom and writing.

I know we’ve been taught that magic is wrong, and the church even had witch hunts and burned them at the stake. Now of course I believe that black magic is wrong, but maybe us being kept in the dark about the power of our own consciousness and them leaving certain books out of the bible, is just as wrong.

Remember, Jesus said himself, in John 14. ” whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.”

Here’s the best narrated video of the The Emerald Tablets I could find, it’s long though, two and a half hours, but it tells about Thoth, than narrates the Emerald Tablets in their entirety.

( Video ) – Troth – Emerald Tablets.

To sum up the Bible’s version.

This is a summary, on the Bible’s account of what happened. A third of the angels we're kicked out of heaven. They found the women of Earth to be fair, and 200 of these fallen angels took them as wives.

Then they breeded with them, and genetically corrupted God’s creation by creating the giants. God was so angry, he immediately sent them to the to be bound, and sent to the bottomless pit, or the abyss. They were angry, and pleaded that they get to wait until judgement day. They were denied.

Is CERN or D-Wave the new Tower of Babel?

Think of the times the God really got angry, the flood and the Tower of Babel. So In the Tower of Babel days, they were trying to get to heaven my other means.

Both CERN and D-wave quantum computers have made claims of going into other dimensions. There were even claims of sending something through or bringing something back.

Now ask yourself, if CERN or quantum computers are really accessing other dimensions, isn’t that what the Tower of Babel was trying to do?

Jesus describes his return.

When you think about all of the genetic manipulation, and all of the attempts to access other dimensions that are going on right now, it’s a reminder of, when Jesus said, as in the days of Noah so will be the coming of the son of man.

Genetic Manipulation – Days of Noah.

So if we go back to the days of Noah, the fallen angels corrupted the genetics of humans and animals alike, creating the giants and all sorts of beasts that you can find depicted in the ancient writings, and carved in stone all over the world.

It seems like these days, they are genetically manipulating everything, most of our food supply is now GMO, genetically modified organisms. Then there’s the genetic manipulation of animals going on.

We’ve heard of a few of these cases of cloning on the news, They have cloned sheep, cattle, dogs, frogs, goats, horses, mice, pigs and many more.

In an article by New Scientist, they say that the worlds first human baby to be cloned, was born on December 26th, it doesn’t state the year, but the article is from December 27th 2002. The cloned girl is named Eve, and she was cloned from a 31 year old American woman.

I can only imagine, if these are the things we have heard about, that there is probably a lot more going on, that we haven’t heard about.

Why would they hide the giants?

Why are giants such a hidden part of our history? There are so many claims from archaeologists, and news articles with pictures of the giants bones, even going way back before Photoshop and CGI. Why do they all claim that the Smithsonian confiscates the bones? What could be their motive?

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