- About Us -

Welcome to my site, my name is Ed Casey, and this is my wife Carolyn. I do the research for, and author the articles in this blog.

I've been researching these subjects for over 20 years now, and have decided to create this platform to share the information.

I've always been interested in physics, and what's behind our existence, but in 2008 I also began to notice the importance, of what's going on behind the scenes of worldly events.

I began to notice inconsistencies, and outright lies from the evening news, and wanted to know why this was happening.

This leads down a deep, and very interesting rabbit hole, that end up as a broad range of topics, that are seemingly unrelated but tie together nicely in the end.

There are so many things to look into here, from CERN scientists saying that the particle accelerator can open doors to other dimensions and maybe send things through, or bring things back.

There is crazy weather phenomenon happening, nanotech vaccines that are injected into your body that cannot be removed, and a RNA vaccine that actually changes you DNA! Slowly converting your cells to something else.

There are billionaires open discussing on camera, how to depopulate the world, and say if they do a really good job with the vaccines, they may be able to do this.

Other topics reveal new experiments that baffled scientists, and proved an immaterial reality. Both a material and immaterial reality existing together? Wow, science and spirituality can come together and coexist?

I've been researching these topics for a long time now, but in the last few years, there has been a massive acceleration of crazy things happening.

This blog is my best attempt to follow it, and relay the information to everyone. I Hope you guys enjoy it, this should be an interesting ride.

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