CERN - Create Black Holes, Really?

Greek god Apollo.

CERN is the most expensive piece of machinery ever made, yet most people have never heard of it.

After reading this article, you’ll understand why they don’t go out of their way to be in the public eye. They openly admit to doing things that can create scenarios, that are crazier than any science fiction movie you’ve ever seen.

The worlds largest particle excellerator!

CERN is an enormous particle excellerator that spans across the border of France and Switzerland. It measures a massive 16.6 miles across, with a circumference over 62 miles. CERN has discovered new elements such as the Higgs Boson, which is also known as the God Particle.

Some of CERNs other goals were to be, believe it or not, trying to recreate black holes or finding out more about how the Big Bang happened. Does this seem to be a bad idea to anybody, but me? My goodness, really? Create black holes?

Steven Hawkings ” CERN could destroy the universe. “

In Steven Hawkings book, Starmus, in the preface of his book, Hawking wrote, “The God Particle found by CERN could destroy the universe.”

They want to make one that’s even bigger.

CERN has a proposal to build a new particle collider that’s much larger and more powerful. It will still be in the same area where it is now, near Geneva Switzerland, but instead of being a 27 km ring, it will be a 100 km. Nearly four times larger.

The project is phenomenally expensive costing billions of dollars, and needs to be funded. But there’s a good chance that CERN may be able to pull this off, because they’ve had so many countries and universities as contributors.

At some point, it seems though, you have to ask, how far is too far? You already have prominent people, such as Steven Hawkings and so many others,warning of the dangers of what CERN is doing now, at this size and power level.

Was Flight A7-301 Teleported? Was CERN responsible?

This is a weird one, in 2009 an Iberworld airbus A330-300, flight A7-301 with 170 passengers onboard, was supposed to go to Santa Cruz Bolivia, but instead ended up in the Santa Cruz on the Canary Islands, some 5500 miles away.

This is now considered a conspiracy theory, the official explaination is that they just got confused and flew to the wrong Santa Cruz. Really, 5500 miles away, and they didn’t notice something was wrong? What about auto pilot?

Then there are all the agencies on the ground with radar, that should have noticed it vary off course? This one really doesn’t add up, and to make it even more suspicious, a lot of the information sources on the internet have been removed.

Now for CERN, when something mysteriously vanishes, like the Malaysia flight 370, or just ends up somewhere else, like this flight A7-301, people usually look at CERN first, it’s understandable when CERN openly admits to be tampering with, or altering other dimensions.

The Internet was created at CERN.

The World Wide Web’s creation started back in 1989 by a British scientist from CERN named Tim Berners-Lee. His reasoning behind creating the internet was, to give scientists a way to communicate with each other and the universities around the world. By the end of 1990 they had a prototype software, and a basic web system that they could begin demonstrating.

Big Bang or Electric Universe?

This question needs to be asked because CERN bases their mission statement on the Big Bang theory. They say that they’re trying to find out what happened just moments after the big bang. Although the comments that are made from their scientists and staff, generally lean more towards creating black holes, and dealing with other dimensions.

It seems that their big bang stated goals, may just be for public consumption when you listen to them speak. But we’ll take a look at both theories, just to help us decide, what is really going on there.

The Big Bang Theory is basically what we all grew up with and were taught in our public schools. It’s more of a Darwinian creationist theory, that’s really based on matter, or a material universe. The Electric Universe Theory on the other hand, says our reality is just energy.

CERN’s real goals, interdimensional?

The Electric Universe Theory, is gaining a lot of momentum these days, because of new scientific experiments. Mostly because of the Dual Slit Experiment, which shows our reality to be energy, or a vibration, not matter.

It also suggests that all matter is only an energy wave form, until we observe it. The wave form then collapses, and it becomes solid, or material. In other words, it’s only matter while we’re observing it. This leads the scientists to believe that matter is basically an illusion, or more like it’s a creation of consciousness.

This is important because it seems like CERN wants us to be focused on the material aspect, when their statements would suggest that they’re real goals, are focused more on the non-material, or the energy aspects, such as dimensional doorways, or windows.

Open otherworldly doors to another dimension.

The former Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, said to a reporter, the super collider could open otherworldly doors to another dimension for a very tiny lapse of time. Mere fractions of a second, however, that may be just enough time, to peer into this open door, either by getting something out of it, or sending something through it.

Strange sky phenomenon since CERN powers up.

Many people have taken pictures of bizarre sky phenomenon around CERN, even around the globe, there have been unusual spirals and what some are saying look like portals in the sky.

The Norway Spiral in 2009 is one of the more famous ones, Although one of the explanations of this was that it could have been a Russian missile test gone awry. Most didn’t believe this because it looked so symmetrical.

Ever since CERN powered up it’s particle beam accelerator for the first time in 2008. There has been all kinds of unusual sky phenomenon photographed around the world.

Some of the photos taken directly above CERN are breathtaking, they are towering symmetrical cylinders that are colorful and full of lightning. The odd, thing is it’s usually the only one in the sky, and it’s directly above CERN.

Statue of Shiva, the goddess of destruction.

Most corporations will not put a controversial religious deity in front of their business. This kind of makes you wonder why CERN would put a huge statue of Shiva, the Hindu goddess of destruction, in their courtyard. Why Shiva, of all things?

Shiva at CERN.

CERN staff performs a mock human sacrifice.

There are a lot of other bizarre things associated with CERN, for instance, their staff performed a mock human sacrifice just outside the facility, near the statue of Shiva.

They were dressed in black cloaks, and a person who witnessed them, apparently stabbing and killing a woman, video taped them, and ran away crying. After an investigation, this turned out to be the CERN staff.

Does CERN’s Logo look like 666?

Cern's logo

It’s made up of circular sixes. Many see this as being 666.
This is either intentional, or an epic oversight, considering how a huge part of the population feel about the number, of the mark of the beast.

Normally I would say that the 666 in the logo, might be a stretch. But when you consider the the actions of CERN’s staff members, and then, them chosing to put Shiva the Goddess of Destruction as a statue outside their office. I don’t know, I guess I wouldn’t put it past them, to intentionally make their logo a 666.

CERN spokesperson on black holes.

OK, now let’s get back to them trying to create black holes. A spokesperson for CERN, told a reporter, that he thinks there’s only a one in twelve chance at creating a black hole at the current power level.

So the reporter asked, if the rumors of one of these black holes destroying the entire universe, was actually a possiblity? You will never believe the words that came out of his mouth.

He says it’s only our little planet that’s at stake.

He said no, certainly not the entire universe, it is only our a little planet that is at stake. He also says, ” you see, it will take a while, it won’t swallow the Earth within months or seconds, it would take at least five years”.

Oh five years, thank goodness, I was worried there for a second…

This all seems about as crazy as when they were testing atomic weapons for the first time and they didn’t know, whether it would ignite our atmosphere or not, and they did it anyway.

The unknown mass found in CERN, is it anti-matter?

There are other things that have happened at CERN that are unusual. They found and unknown mass, inside the sealed accelerator tube, they called it an unidentified lying object. Is anti-matter? Maybe we’ll never know, but it begs the question, how did it get in there? It’s a sealed environment.

A bird shuts down CERN.

Here’s another crazy thing that happened at CERN. Hold on folks, they just keep coming. One time, when they running at high power, a bird was said to have dropped a baguette into a critical part of the operating system, shutting it down for months.

Arnaud Marsollier, a spokesman for CERN, told New Scientist, about the baguette incident, “We’re in the countryside, you have wild animals.”

Really? a bird? In a facility as controlled as CERN? Act of God anyone? Maybe it just wasn’t time, for them to do, what ever they were doing…

Is CERN performing Satanic rituals?

CERN has even filmed ritualistic ceremonies inside the facility that were weird to say the least, many people see them as satanic rituals. You really have to watch these to understand.

They do not seem to be trying to hide this, they filmed a movie at CERN, it was a huge production. It’s called Symmetry. It shows what look like demons coming through a portal, and all kinds of other bazaar things.

Logo like 666 – Human Sacrifice – Shiva

So you add it all up, the mock human sacrifice, the logo that looks like 666, Shiva the God of destruction, the satanic like rituals, the statements of communicating with other dimensions, oh, and lets not forget, the possibility of creating black holes… Wow! What are they doing over there?

CERN is built where Apollo’s Temple was.

CERN is also built in a very curious location, near Geneva, it borders Switzerland and France. It is believed that back in Roman times, a temple was built in honor of Apollo, or Apollyon, which is the spiritual name for Abaddon who is the destroyer, the Angel of the Abyss. You can find this in Revelation 9:11.

Apollo, or Apollyon, is the Angel of the Abyss.

Greek god Apollo.

Well this is where CERN is built, and the people who lived there believed that it’s the gateway to the underworld. This is another one of so many reasons, that have people asking the question, could CERN be the key that opens the gates of hell, that the Bible talks about?

Is CERN the key to the Gates of Hell that the Bible mentions?

Normally I would say this is going too far, but when you add all of this up, it’s a legitimate question. One thing is for certain though, there are a lot of things going on at CERN, that more people should be paying attention to.

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